TA Code | Latin term | English term |
A01.2.07.001 |
Regiones membri superioris
Regions of upper limb
A01.2.07.002 |
Regio deltoidea
Deltoid region
A01.2.07.003 |
Regio brachialis
Brachial region
A01.2.07.004 |
Regio brachii anterior; Regio brachialis anterior
Anterior region of arm
A01.2.07.005 |
Sulcus bicipitalis lateralis; Sulcus bicipitalis radialis
Lateral bicipital groove
A01.2.07.006 |
Sulcus bicipitalis medialis; Sulcus bicipitalis ulnaris
Medial bicipital groove
A01.2.07.007 |
Regio brachii posterior; Regio brachialis posterior
Posterior region of arm
A01.2.07.008 |
Regio cubitalis
Cubital region
A01.2.07.009 |
Regio cubitalis anterior
Anterior region of elbow
A01.2.07.010 |
Fossa cubitalis
Cubital fossa
A01.2.07.011 |
Regio cubitalis posterior
Posterior region of elbow
A01.2.07.012 |
Regio antebrachialis
Antebrachial region
A01.2.07.013 |
Regio antebrachii anterior; Regio antebrachialis anterior
Anterior region of forearm
A01.2.07.014 |
Regio antebrachii posterior; Regio antebrachialis posterior
Posterior region of forearm
A01.2.07.015 |
Margo radialis; Margo lateralis
Radial border; Lateral border
A01.2.07.016 |
Margo ulnaris; Margo medialis
Ulnar border; Medial border
A01.2.07.017 |
Regio manus
Hand region
A01.2.07.018 |
Regio carpalis
Carpal region
A01.2.07.019 |
Regio carpalis anterior
Anterior region of wrist
A01.2.07.020 |
Regio carpalis posterior
Posterior region of wrist
A01.2.07.021 |
Regio dorsalis manus
Dorsum of hand
A01.2.07.022 |
Palma; Regio palmaris; Vola
Palm; Palmar region
A01.2.07.023 |
Thenar; Eminentia thenaris
Thenar eminence
A01.2.07.024 |
Hypothenar; Eminentia hypothenaris
Hypothenar eminence
A01.2.07.025 |
Regio metacarpalis
Metacarpal region
↓ A01.2.07.026 |
Regiones digitorum manus
Regions of digits of hand; Regions of fingers
↓ A01.2.07.027 |
Regio pollicis; Regio digiti primi [I]
Region of thumb
↓ A01.2.07.028 |
Regio indicis; Regio digiti secundi [II]
Region of index finger
↓ A01.2.07.029 |
Regio digiti medii; Regio digiti tertii [III]
Region of middle finger
↓ A01.2.07.030 |
Regio digiti anularis; Regio digiti quarti [IV]
Region of ring finger
↓ A01.2.07.031 |
Regio digiti minimi; Regio digiti quinti [V]
Region of little finger
A01.2.07.032 |
Facies palmares digitorum
Palmar surfaces of fingers
A01.2.07.033 |
Facies dorsales digitorum
Dorsal surfaces of fingers
Entries: 33 | Notes: 6 | Date: 28.01.2013 |
♦ TA98 footnote | ♠ TA98 correction note | ♣ TA98 RAT note | ♥ TA98 redirection note |
♠ | A01.2.07.026 | Regiones digitorum manus The Latin precursor digiti manus is the same term as A01.1.00.030, and does not appear consistent with expectations for a part of the regio manus. Therefore, the Latin term was replaced with regiones digitorum manus, and the English terms were similarly changed. |
♠ | A01.2.07.027 | Regio pollicis The Latin precursor was more properly the term for a part of the hand rather than for a region of the hand. Therefore, a new term was created for this region of the hand, and a new TA code for the Latin precursor term in the partes corporis humani section. |
♠ | A01.2.07.028 | Regio indicis The Latin precursor was more properly the term for a part of the hand rather than for a region of the hand. Therefore, a new term was created for this region of the hand, and a new TA code for the Latin precursor term in the partes corporis humani section. |
♠ | A01.2.07.029 | Regio digiti medii The Latin precursor was more properly the term for a part of the hand rather than for a region of the hand. Therefore, a new term was created for this region of the hand, and a new TA code for the Latin precursor term in the partes corporis humani section. |
♠ | A01.2.07.030 | Regio digiti anularis The Latin precursor was more properly the term for a part of the hand rather than for a region of the hand. Therefore, a new term was created for this region of the hand, and a new TA code for the Latin precursor term in the partes corporis humani section. |
♠ | A01.2.07.031 | Regio digiti minimi The Latin precursor was more properly the term for a part of the hand rather than for a region of the hand. Therefore, a new term was created for this region of the hand, and a new TA code for the Latin precursor term in the partes corporis humani section. |